Good for you
- High in vitamin C
- Rich in natural antioxidants
- High in fibre
Strawberries are the most popular fruit grown by our farmers. A staple favourite of the British summer, Strawberries are juicy and delicious any time of year and are a great healthy fruit. Known as a superfood, Strawberries are nutrient-rich, are packed with antioxidants and offer a wide range of health benefits.
May 1st sees the official start to the British berry season with milder temperatures, longer days and more sunshine – the perfect conditions for enjoying British berries.
The season kicks off with British strawberries which will hit the supermarket shelves from early May. Due to advancements in varieties, an extended season, and improved varieties developed in the last few years, consumers can expect to see a wide selection of British berries, all of which have been developed to suit the UK climate.
Black Agricultural Contracting are a member of British Summer Fruits. For more information about strawberries, please visit:
Our Strawberry Growers
Lochart Porter
East Seaton Farm
Angus Porter
Carmichael Farm
James Porter
East Scryne Farm
Andrew Gray
J P Gray & Son
David Porter
Balhungie Farm
Tim Stockwell
Barnsmuir Farm
Peter Arbuckle
Star Inn Farm
Jamie Arnot
Mains of Errol Farm
Rowan Marshall
Muirton Farm
David Stephen
Barra Berries
James Grantham
Southesk Farms
Allen Innes
Rosemount Farm
Keith Adamson
West Friarton Farm
Dave Griffiths
Oaklands Fruit Farm
David Warden
North Mains of Dun
Sandy Duncan
Craigowl Farms