Good for you
- Low in sturated fat, cholesterol and sodium
- Powerful source of antioxidants
- High in fibre
- Rich in vitamin K
Blueberries have had a lot of publicity over the past few years and it’s no surprise why. In addition to the multitude of huge health benefits associated with them, the flavour of a succulent ripe blueberry is second to none. Declared one of the world’s healthiest foods, this little super-fruit packs a serious punch!
Black Agricultural Contracting are a member of British Summer Fruits. For more information about blueberries, please visit:
Our Blueberry Growers
Lochart Porter
East Seaton Farm
Angus Porter
Carmichael Farm
James Porter
East Scryne Farm
Andrew Gray
J P Gray & Son
Tim Stockwell
Barnsmuir Farm
Peter Arbuckle
Star Inn Farm
Rowan Marshall
Muirton Farm
James Grantham
Southesk Farms
Douglas Neill
Easter Denhead Farm
Keith Adamson
West Friarton Farm
David Warden
North Mains of Dun
Sandy Duncan
Craigowl Farms